An X’s and O’s quilt, sort of (151)
A long time ago, I purchased Zen Chic’s “Figures” fat quarter set. I loved the colors, the saturated color on some fabrics, and the design on white of the other fabrics.
One of my kid’s teachers (this particular child has two teachers) decorates her room with light blue and yellow. And she wears a lot of navies, so naturally, when I would stare at this fabric, it made me think of her. I hope she likes it!

This quilt pattern is based on the X’s and Os quilt pattern, only I used a smaller triangle of fabric on the corners. Originally, I was thinking of sewing the corners the same way I sewed the snowball quilt, cutting the white corners as squares and then sewing two seams, one for this quilt block, then going back to sew another parallel seam so that when the fabric is cut, I end up with an X and O block and two half-square triangles. But, then I made the mistake of cutting the white blocks into triangles, so I went ahead and scrapped the idea. But I did save all the extra colored triangles, so plan on finding something fun with those later.

This quilt is also twin-sized and is quilted together with a loose meandering stitch (white thread). I backed and bound it with a yellow dotted fabric I found at Hobby Lobby. On the back also are the kids’ handprints with their names in them.
I deliver this one on Thursday. I hope she likes it!
Thanks for stopping by!
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