Orange Peel Quilt in Red, Green, and Kona Snow (138)
I know, it has been a long time, but I have good reasons why I haven’t been posting finished quilts lately.
1) I moved.
2) I’ve been frantically making Teacher Quilts in time for Teacher Appreciation Week (which is next week at my kids’ school).
I made this quilt using the same “Orange Peel” style that I used in this quilt:

Here is a closer look of the teacher quilt.

These eclipse-like shapes were machine appliqued onto the background squares. As you can see, I used a variety of reds and greens for this quilt. When I asked the teacher how she liked to decorate her house, she said, “My house has a lot of dark red, greens, tans, and creams in it.” I hope she likes it!
The reason why I make these teacher quilts, though, is not for the colors or the quilt top, but for something that I put on the other side of the quilt. I have all the kids trace their hands (or I trace them) and then they sign their names in their handprint. The teachers love this part, as it gives them a forever reminder of the kids, their size, and their love.

I know it is a small image, but you get the idea. This teacher teaches two classes, so even though my kid is only in one of her classes, I felt obligated to get both classes to sign it. Thus, a large number of handprints on the quilt.
I had a hard time deciding which color thread to do the quilting, so I ended up doing a cream color. I think it worked out in the end. I did not quilt this one as densely as my last orange peel quilts. I echoed the block stitch lines and then added a line vertically and horizontally crossing the midpoint of each block.

I think this gave the quilt the uniformity I was looking for, without having the thread break up the solid colors too much.

We’ll give the quilt this week during the last 10 minutes of class. I can’t wait to see the look on her face, and the look on the student’s faces as they search for their hand prints.
This quilt measures 57 x 80 inches after washing.
Thanks for stopping by!
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